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prosess balken with grdient

prosess balken with grdient

Prozess Balken mit Counter Prozent und farblichen Wechsel des Balkens

Der hier verwendete Code

<!doctype html> <html lang="de"> <head> <script src=""></script> <style> body { display: flex; flex-direction: column; height: 100vh; align-items: center; justify-content: flex-start; } #helper{ border:1px solid black; height:30px; width:300px; overflow:hidden; } #conti{ position:relative; top:0px; left:0px; height:30px; width:10300px; background:linear-gradient( to right, red 25%, orange 50%, yellow 70%,green 100%); } #aus{ position:absolute; margin-left:130px; font-size:25px; font-weight:900; } #contibalken{ width:300px; height:200px; border:2px solid black; text-align:center; } #contibalken p{ text-align:center; font-weight:900; font-size:25px; } #sekundenbalken{ width:200px; height:25px; border:2px solid black; border-radius:10px; text-align:center; font-size:20px; font-weight:900; margin-top:10px; } #sekundenbalken:hover{ border:2px solid green; } #time,.blinkno{ font-size:30px; color:black; } .blink{ animation:blinki linear forwards 1s infinite; } @keyframes blinki{ 0%,49%,100%{ color:white; }50%{ color:red; } } </style> </head> <body> <div id="oben"> <h3>Beschreibung</h3> <ul> <li>Eingabe von Sekunden.</li> <li>Uhr läuft rückwärts.</li> <li>Die letzten 10 Sekunden blinkt die Zeit.</li> <li>Einfacher Neustart durch Oninput Event.</li> <li>Restzeit wird nach Eingabe sofort angezeigt<br>auch wenn wärend des laufens eine neue Zeit eingegeben wird.</li> <li>Mfg Basti1012</li> </div> <div id="contibalken"> <p>Prozess Balken</p> <input type="number" id="sekundenbalken" value="" min="1" max="3600" step="1" value="10" placeholder="Sekunden..."> <div id="time"></div> <div id="helper"> <div id="conti"> <div id="aus">0 %</div> </div> </div> </div> <script> function los(a,sek){ sekunden=sek; var l=1000/sekunden; if(a<=10000){ $('#conti').css('left','-'+a+'px'); a=a+l; timer=setTimeout(function(){ los(a,sek) },100) a1=a/100; a1=a1.toFixed(3); $('#aus').html(a1+' %') a1=a-l; $('#aus').css('left',''+a1+'px'); }else{} } $('#sekundenbalken').on('input',function(){ try{ clearTimeout(timer1); clearTimeout(timer); }catch(e){ } los(1,this.value) uhr(this.value); }); function uhr(timeleft){ hour = Math.floor( timeleft / 3600 ); minute = Math.floor( (timeleft%3600) / 60 ); second = Math.floor( timeleft%60 ); if(hour<=9){ hour='0'+hour } if(minute<=9){ minute='0'+minute } if(second<=9){ second='0'+second } $('#time').html('Restzeit <br> '+hour+'-'+minute+'-'+second); if(timeleft<=0){ }else{ timer1=setTimeout(function(){uhr(timeleft-1)},1000); } if(timeleft>=1 && timeleft<=10){ $('#time').addClass('blink'); }else{ bli= $('#time').hasClass('blink'); if(bli==true){ $('#time').removeClass('blink'); $('#time').hasClass('blinkno'); } } } </script> </body> </html>