Du siehst gerade eine vereinfachte Darstellung unserer Inhalte. Normale Ansicht mit richtiger Formatierung.
    Eine Digitaluhr die etwas animiert ist beim Zahlenwechsel


                                    <!doctype html>
            <title>Analogue/Digital Clock</title>
                    new Image().src = '';//'./graphics/dot.png';
                    new Image().src = '';//;
        <body onload="go()">
            <canvas id="canvas1" height="110" width="350">
                Sorry, your browser does not support the  element so you cannot view this demo.
        function go(){
        var OFFSET_X = 20;
        var OFFSET_Y = 15;
        var imgLine = new Image();
        imgLine.src = '';//;
        var imgBgLine = new Image();
        imgBgLine.src = '';//'./graphics/bgline.png';
        var imgDot = new Image();
        imgDot.src = '';//;
        var LINE_WIDTH  = imgLine.height;
        var LINE_LENGTH = imgLine.width;
        var DOT_WIDTH   = imgDot.width;
        var GAP         = 2 * DOT_WIDTH;
        var TICKS_PER_SEC = 30;
        var DIGIT_X_1 = OFFSET_X;
        var DIGIT_X_2 = DIGIT_X_1 + (2 * LINE_WIDTH + LINE_LENGTH + GAP);
        var DIGIT_X_3 = DIGIT_X_2 + (2 * LINE_WIDTH + LINE_LENGTH + 2 * GAP + DOT_WIDTH);
        var DIGIT_X_4 = DIGIT_X_3 + (2 * LINE_WIDTH + LINE_LENGTH + GAP);
        var DIGIT_X_5 = DIGIT_X_4 + (2 * LINE_WIDTH + LINE_LENGTH + 2 * GAP + DOT_WIDTH);
        var DIGIT_X_6 = DIGIT_X_5 + (2 * LINE_WIDTH + LINE_LENGTH + GAP);
        var DOT_X_1 = OFFSET_X + (3 * LINE_WIDTH + 2 * LINE_LENGTH + 2 * GAP);
        var DOT_X_2 = DOT_X_1 + 2 * GAP  + (3 * LINE_WIDTH + 2 * LINE_LENGTH + 2 * GAP);
        var DOT_Y_1 = OFFSET_Y + (2 * LINE_LENGTH + 3 * LINE_WIDTH) / 4;
        var DOT_Y_2 = OFFSET_Y + (2 * LINE_LENGTH + 3 * LINE_WIDTH) * 3 / 4 - DOT_WIDTH;
        var X1 = 0;
        var X2 = LINE_WIDTH + LINE_LENGTH;
        var Y1 = 0;
        var Y2 = LINE_WIDTH + LINE_LENGTH;
        var Y3 = 2 * LINE_WIDTH + 2 * LINE_LENGTH;
        var canvas = document.getElementById('canvas1');
        var ctx = canvas.getContext('2d');
        var WIDTH  = Number(canvas.width);
        var HEIGHT = Number(canvas.height);
        function forEach(arr, fnDoThis){
            var i=0, l=arr.length;
            for(i=0; i<l; i++){
                if (false===fnDoThis(i, arr[i])){
        function makeLine(x, y, degrees, scale, fnOnTickDoThis, imgObj){
            var line = {};
            var img = imgObj ? imgObj : imgLine;
            var ox = x, oy = y, oDegrees = degrees, oScale = scale;
            line.setPos = function(px,py){
                x = px;
                y = py;
            line.move = function(dx, dy){
                line.setPos(x + dx, y + dy);
            line.setAngle = function(pDegrees){
                degrees = pDegrees;
            line.getAngle = function(){
                return degrees;
            line.setScale = function(pScale){
                scale = pScale;
            line.tick = function(tickValue){
                fnOnTickDoThis && fnOnTickDoThis(line, tickValue);
            line.draw = function(xOffset, yOffset){
                var radians = degrees * Math.PI / 180;
                ctx.translate(x + xOffset, y + yOffset);
                ctx.translate(-LINE_WIDTH/2, LINE_WIDTH/2);
                ctx.translate(LINE_WIDTH/2, -LINE_WIDTH/2);
                ctx.drawImage(img, 0, 0, LINE_LENGTH * scale, LINE_WIDTH);
            return line;    
        function makeDigit(x, y){
            var digit = {};
            var lines = [];
            digit.addLine = function(line){
            digit.clearLines = function(){
                lines = [];
            digit.tick = function(tickValue){
                forEach(lines, function(i,line){
                    line && line.tick(tickValue);
            digit.draw = function(){
                forEach(lines, function(i,line){
                    line && line.draw(x, y);
            return digit;
        var digitHour1 = makeDigit(DIGIT_X_1, OFFSET_Y);
        var digitHour2 = makeDigit(DIGIT_X_2, OFFSET_Y);
        var digitMin1  = makeDigit(DIGIT_X_3, OFFSET_Y);
        var digitMin2  = makeDigit(DIGIT_X_4, OFFSET_Y);
        var digitSec1  = makeDigit(DIGIT_X_5, OFFSET_Y);
        var digitSec2  = makeDigit(DIGIT_X_6, OFFSET_Y);
        var digits = [digitHour1, digitHour2, digitMin1, digitMin2, digitSec1, digitSec2];
        var prevTime = getTimeParts();
        var tick = 0;   
            var tickValue = (tick % TICKS_PER_SEC) / TICKS_PER_SEC;
            ctx.clearRect(0, 0,WIDTH,HEIGHT);       
            if (tickValue === 0){
                var newTime = getTimeParts();
                forEach(digits, function(i, digit){
                    var from = prevTime[i];
                    var to   = newTime[i];
                    var newLineArgLists = transforms[from][to];
                    if (!newLineArgLists){
                        newLineArgLists = transforms[to][to];
                    forEach(pickOne(newLineArgLists), function(i,newLineArgList){
                        digit.addLine(makeLine.apply(null, newLineArgList));
                prevTime = newTime;
            } else {
                forEach(digits, function(i,digit){
            forEach(digits, function(i,digit){
        }, 1000 / TICKS_PER_SEC);
        function drawBgLines(){
            function drawBgDigit(xOffset){
                makeLine(xOffset + X1, OFFSET_Y + Y1,  0, 1, null, imgBgLine).draw(0,0);    
                makeLine(xOffset + X1, OFFSET_Y + Y1, 90, 1, null, imgBgLine).draw(0,0);    
                makeLine(xOffset + X2, OFFSET_Y + Y1, 90, 1, null, imgBgLine).draw(0,0);    
                makeLine(xOffset + X1, OFFSET_Y + Y2,  0, 1, null, imgBgLine).draw(0,0);    
                makeLine(xOffset + X1, OFFSET_Y + Y2, 90, 1, null, imgBgLine).draw(0,0);    
                makeLine(xOffset + X2, OFFSET_Y + Y2, 90, 1, null, imgBgLine).draw(0,0);    
                makeLine(xOffset + X1, OFFSET_Y + Y3,  0, 1, null, imgBgLine).draw(0,0);    
        function drawDots(){
            function drawDot(x, y){
                ctx.translate(x, y);
                ctx.drawImage(imgDot, 0, 0, DOT_WIDTH, DOT_WIDTH);
            drawDot(DOT_X_1, DOT_Y_1);
            drawDot(DOT_X_1, DOT_Y_2);
            drawDot(DOT_X_2, DOT_Y_1);
            drawDot(DOT_X_2, DOT_Y_2);
        function pickOne(arr){
            var totalWeight = 0;
            forEach(arr, function(i,item){
                totalWeight += item.weight;
            var i = Math.random() * totalWeight;
            var weightSoFar = 0;
            var selectedMoves;
            forEach(arr, function(j,item){
                weightSoFar += item.weight;
                if (weightSoFar > i){
                    selectedMoves = item.lines; 
                    return false;
            return selectedMoves;
        function getTimeParts(){
            var parts = [];
            var now = new Date();
            var hours = now.getHours();
            parts.push(Math.floor(hours / 10));
            parts.push(hours % 10);
            var mins = now.getMinutes();
            parts.push(Math.floor(mins / 10));
            parts.push(mins % 10);
            var secs = now.getSeconds();
            parts.push(Math.floor(secs / 10));
            parts.push(secs % 10);
            return parts;
        var fnMoveDown = function(line){
            line.move(0, (LINE_LENGTH + LINE_WIDTH) / TICKS_PER_SEC);
        var fnMoveUp = function(line){
            line.move(0, -(LINE_LENGTH + LINE_WIDTH) / TICKS_PER_SEC);
        var fnMoveLeft = function(line){
            line.move(-(LINE_LENGTH + LINE_WIDTH) / TICKS_PER_SEC, 0);
        var fnMoveRight = function(line){
            line.move((LINE_LENGTH + LINE_WIDTH) / TICKS_PER_SEC, 0);
        var fnShrinkLeft = function(line, tickValue){
            line.setScale(1 - tickValue);
        var fnShrinkRight = function(line, tickValue){
            line.setScale(1 - tickValue);
        var fnShrinkDown = function(line, tickValue){
            line.setScale(1 - tickValue);
        var fnGrowLeft = function(line, tickValue){
        var fnGrowRight = function(line, tickValue){
        var fnRotateClockwise = function(line, tickValue){
            var angle = line.getAngle();
            line.setAngle(angle + (90 / TICKS_PER_SEC));
        var fnRotateClockwise2 = function(line, tickValue){
            var angle = line.getAngle();
            line.setAngle(angle + (180 / TICKS_PER_SEC));
        var fnRotateAntiClockwise = function(line, tickValue){
            var angle = line.getAngle();
            line.setAngle(angle - (90 / TICKS_PER_SEC));
        var fnRotateAntiClockwise2 = function(line, tickValue){
            var angle = line.getAngle();
            line.setAngle(angle - (180 / TICKS_PER_SEC));
        var transforms = {
            '0' : {
                '0' : [
                        {'weight' : 27, 'lines' : [
                                [X1, Y1,  0,  1, null], 
                                [X1, Y1, 90,  1, null], 
                                [X2, Y1, 90,  1, null], 
                                [X1, Y2, 90,  1, null], 
                                [X2, Y2, 90,  1, null], 
                                [X1, Y3,  0,  1, null]
                        },{'weight' : 1, 'lines' : [
                                [X1, Y1,  0,  1, fnRotateClockwise], 
                                [X1, Y1, 90,  1, null], 
                                [X2, Y1, 90,  1, null], 
                                [X2, Y1, 90,  1, fnRotateClockwise], 
                                [X1, Y2, 90,  1, null], 
                                [X2, Y2, 90,  1, null], 
                                [X2, Y3,180,  1, fnRotateClockwise],
                                [X1, Y3,270,  1, fnRotateClockwise]                 
                        },{'weight' : 1, 'lines' : [
                                [X1, Y1,  0,  1, null], 
                                [X1, Y2,270,  1, fnRotateClockwise2], 
                                [X1, Y2, 90,  1, fnMoveUp], 
                                [X2, Y1, 90,  1, fnMoveDown], 
                                [X2, Y2, 90,  1, fnRotateClockwise2], 
                                [X1, Y3,  0,  1, null]              
                        },{'weight' : 1, 'lines' : [
                                [X1, Y1,  0,  1, null], 
                                [X1, Y1, 90,  1, fnMoveDown], 
                                [X2, Y1, 90,  1, fnMoveLeft], 
                                [X1, Y2, 90,  1, fnMoveRight], 
                                [X2, Y2, 90,  1, fnMoveUp], 
                                [X1, Y3,  0,  1, null]
                '1' : [
                        {'weight' : 1, 'lines' : [
                                [X1, Y1,  0,  1, fnShrinkRight], 
                                [X1, Y1, 90,  1, fnMoveRight], 
                                [X2, Y1, 90,  1, null], 
                                [X1, Y2, 90,  1, fnMoveRight], 
                                [X2, Y2, 90,  1, null], 
                                [X1, Y3,  0,  1, fnShrinkRight]
                        }, {'weight' : 1, 'lines' : [
                                [X2, Y1,180,  1, fnRotateAntiClockwise], 
                                [X1, Y2,270,  1, fnShrinkLeft], 
                                [X1, Y2, 90,  1, fnShrinkLeft], 
                                [X2, Y3,180,  1, fnRotateClockwise], 
                                [X2, Y1, 90,  1, null], 
                                [X2, Y2, 90,  1, null]
            '1' : {
                '1' : [
                       {'weight' : 18, 'lines' : [
                                [X2, Y1, 90,  1, null], 
                                [X2, Y2, 90,  1, null]
                        },{'weight' : 1, 'lines' : [
                                [X2, Y2,270,  1, fnRotateAntiClockwise2], 
                                [X2, Y2, 90,  1, fnMoveUp], 
                        },{'weight' : 1, 'lines' : [
                                [X2, Y2, 90,  1, fnRotateClockwise2], 
                                [X2, Y1, 90,  1, fnMoveDown]
                '2' : [
                        {'weight' : 1, 'lines' : [
                                [X2, Y1,  0,  0, fnGrowLeft], 
                                [X2, Y1, 90,  1, null], 
                                [X2, Y2,  0,  0, fnGrowLeft], 
                                [X2, Y2, 90,  1, fnMoveLeft], 
                                [X2, Y3,  0,  0, fnGrowLeft] 
                        },{'weight' : 1, 'lines' : [
                                [X2, Y1, 90,  1, fnRotateClockwise], 
                                [X2, Y1, 90,  1, null], 
                                [X2, Y2, 90,  1, fnRotateClockwise], 
                                [X2, Y2, 90,  1, fnMoveLeft], 
                                [X2, Y3,270,  1, fnRotateAntiClockwise]
            '2' : {
                '0' : [
                        {'weight' : 1, 'lines' : [
                                [X1, Y1,  0,  1, null], 
                                [X2, Y1, 90,  1, null], 
                                [X1, Y2,  0,  1, fnRotateAntiClockwise], 
                                [X2, Y2,180,  1, fnRotateAntiClockwise], 
                                [X1, Y2, 90,  1, null], 
                                [X1, Y3,  0,  1, null] 
                '2' : [
                        {'weight' : 9, 'lines' : [
                                [X1, Y1,  0,  1, null], 
                                [X2, Y1, 90,  1, null], 
                                [X1, Y2,  0,  1, null], 
                                [X1, Y2, 90,  1, null], 
                                [X1, Y3,  0,  1, null] 
                        },{'weight' : 1, 'lines' : [
                                [X1, Y1,  0,  1, null], 
                                [X2, Y1, 90,  1, fnShrinkLeft], 
                                [X1, Y2,  0,  1, null], 
                                [X1, Y2, 90,  1, fnShrinkLeft], 
                                [X1, Y2,  0,  1, fnRotateClockwise], 
                                [X2, Y2,180,  1, fnRotateClockwise], 
                                [X1, Y3,  0,  1, null] 
                '3' : [
                        {'weight' : 1, 'lines' : [
                                [X1, Y1,  0,  1, null], 
                                [X2, Y1, 90,  1, null], 
                                [X1, Y2,  0,  1, null], 
                                [X1, Y2, 90,  1, fnMoveRight], 
                                [X1, Y3,  0,  1, null] 
            '3' : {
                '3' : [
                        {'weight' : 18, 'lines' : [
                                [X1, Y1,  0,  1, null], 
                                [X2, Y1, 90,  1, null], 
                                [X1, Y2,  0,  1, null], 
                                [X2, Y2, 90,  1, null], 
                                [X1, Y3,  0,  1, null] 
                        }, {'weight' : 1, 'lines' : [
                                [X1, Y1,  0,  1, null], 
                                [X2, Y1, 90,  1, null], 
                                [X2, Y2, 90,  1, null], 
                                [X2, Y2,180,  1, fnRotateClockwise], 
                                [X2, Y2, 90,  1, fnRotateClockwise], 
                                [X1, Y3,  0,  1, null] 
                        }, {'weight' : 1, 'lines' : [
                                [X1, Y1,  0,  1, null], 
                                [X2, Y1, 90,  1, null], 
                                [X2, Y2, 90,  1, null], 
                                [X2, Y2,180,  1, fnRotateAntiClockwise], 
                                [X2, Y2,270,  1, fnRotateAntiClockwise], 
                                [X1, Y3,  0,  1, null]          
                '4' : [
                        {'weight' : 1, 'lines' : [
                                [X1, Y1,  0,  1, fnRotateClockwise], 
                                [X2, Y1, 90,  1, null], 
                                [X1, Y2,  0,  1, null], 
                                [X2, Y2, 90,  1, null], 
                                [X1, Y3,  0,  1, fnShrinkRight] 
            '4' : {
                '4' : [
                        {'weight' : 9, 'lines' : [
                                [X1, Y1, 90,  1, null], 
                                [X2, Y1, 90,  1, null], 
                                [X1, Y2,  0,  1, null], 
                                [X2, Y2, 90,  1, null]
                        }, {'weight' : 1, 'lines' : [
                                [X1, Y1, 90,  1, null], 
                                [X2, Y1, 90,  1, fnMoveDown], 
                                [X2, Y2,180,  1, fnRotateClockwise], 
                                [X2, Y2, 90,  1, fnRotateClockwise]
                '5' : [
                        {'weight' : 1, 'lines' : [
                                [X1, Y1, 90,  1, null], 
                                [X2, Y1, 90,  1, fnRotateClockwise], 
                                [X1, Y2,  0,  1, null], 
                                [X2, Y2, 90,  1, null], 
                                [X2, Y3,  0,  0, fnGrowLeft] 
            '5' : {
                '0' : [
                        {'weight' : 1, 'lines' : [
                                [X1, Y1,  0,  1, null], 
                                [X1, Y1, 90,  1, null], 
                                [X2, Y2,180,  1, fnRotateClockwise], 
                                [X1, Y2,  0,  1, fnRotateClockwise], 
                                [X2, Y2, 90,  1, null],
                                [X1, Y3,  0,  1, null] 
                '5' : [
                        {'weight' : 9, 'lines' : [
                                [X1, Y1,  0,  1, null], 
                                [X1, Y1, 90,  1, null], 
                                [X1, Y2,  0,  1, null], 
                                [X2, Y2, 90,  1, null], 
                                [X1, Y3,  0,  1, null] 
                        }, {'weight' : 1, 'lines' : [
                                [X1, Y1,  0,  1, null], 
                                [X1, Y1,  0,  1, fnRotateClockwise], 
                                [X1, Y1, 90,  1, fnShrinkLeft], 
                                [X1, Y2,  0,  1, null], 
                                [X2, Y2, 90,  1, fnShrinkLeft], 
                                [X2, Y2,180,  1, fnRotateAntiClockwise],
                                [X1, Y3,  0,  1, null] 
                '6' : [
                        {'weight' : 1, 'lines' : [
                                [X1, Y1,  0,  1, null], 
                                [X1, Y1, 90,  1, null], 
                                [X1, Y2,  0,  1, null], 
                                [X2, Y2, 90,  1, null], 
                                [X1, Y2,  0,  1, fnRotateClockwise], 
                                [X2, Y2, 90,  0, null], 
                                [X1, Y3,  0,  1, null]
            '6' : {
                '6' : [
                        {'weight' : 27, 'lines' : [
                                [X1, Y1,  0,  1, null], 
                                [X1, Y1, 90,  1, null], 
                                [X1, Y2,  0,  1, null], 
                                [X1, Y2, 90,  1, null], 
                                [X2, Y2, 90,  1, null], 
                                [X1, Y3,  0,  1, null]
                        }, {'weight' : 1, 'lines' : [
                                [X1, Y1,  0,  1, fnRotateClockwise], 
                                [X1, Y1,  0,  0, fnGrowRight], 
                                [X1, Y1, 90,  1, fnShrinkLeft], 
                                [X1, Y2,  0,  1, null], 
                                [X1, Y2, 90,  1, null], 
                                [X2, Y2, 90,  1, null], 
                                [X1, Y3,  0,  1, null]
                        }, {'weight' : 1, 'lines' : [
                                [X1, Y1,  0,  1, null], 
                                [X1, Y1, 90,  1, null], 
                                [X1, Y2,  0,  1, fnRotateClockwise], 
                                [X1, Y3,270,  1, fnRotateClockwise], 
                                [X2, Y3,180,  1, fnRotateClockwise], 
                                [X2, Y2, 90,  1, fnRotateClockwise]
                        }, {'weight' : 1, 'lines' : [
                                [X1, Y1,  0,  1, null], 
                                [X1, Y1, 90,  1, null], 
                                [X1, Y2, 90,  1, fnRotateAntiClockwise], 
                                [X1, Y3,  0,  1, fnRotateAntiClockwise], 
                                [X2, Y3,270,  1, fnRotateAntiClockwise], 
                                [X2, Y2,180,  1, fnRotateAntiClockwise]
                '7' : [
                        {'weight' : 1, 'lines' : [
                                [X1, Y1,  0,  1, null], 
                                [X1, Y1, 90,  1, fnMoveRight], 
                                [X1, Y2,  0,  1, fnShrinkRight], 
                                [X1, Y2, 90,  1, fnMoveRight], 
                                [X2, Y2, 90,  1, null], 
                                [X1, Y3,  0,  1, fnShrinkRight]
            '7' : {
                '7' : [
                        {'weight' : 9, 'lines' : [
                                [X1, Y1,  0,  1, null], 
                                [X2, Y1, 90,  1, null], 
                                [X2, Y2, 90,  1, null]
                        }, {'weight' : 1, 'lines' : [
                                [X2, Y1,180,  0, fnGrowRight], 
                                [X2, Y1,180,  1, fnRotateAntiClockwise], 
                                [X2, Y1, 90,  1, fnMoveDown], 
                                [X2, Y2, 90,  1, fnShrinkDown]
                '8' : [
                        {'weight' : 1, 'lines' : [
                                [X1, Y1,  0,  1, null], 
                                [X1, Y1,  0,  1, fnRotateClockwise], 
                                [X2, Y1, 90,  1, null], 
                                [X2, Y2,  0,  0, fnGrowLeft], 
                                [X2, Y2, 90,  1, fnMoveLeft], 
                                [X2, Y2, 90,  1, null], 
                                [X2, Y3,  0,  0, fnGrowLeft]
            '8' : {
                '8' : [
                        {'weight' : 18, 'lines' : [
                                [X1, Y1,  0,  1, null], 
                                [X1, Y1, 90,  1, null], 
                                [X2, Y1, 90,  1, null], 
                                [X1, Y2,  0,  1, null], 
                                [X1, Y2, 90,  1, null], 
                                [X2, Y2, 90,  1, null], 
                                [X1, Y3,  0,  1, null]
                        }, {'weight' : 1, 'lines' : [
                                [X1, Y1,  0,  1, null], 
                                [X1, Y1, 90,  1, fnMoveDown], 
                                [X2, Y1, 90,  1, null], 
                                [X2, Y1, 90,  1, fnMoveLeft], 
                                [X1, Y2,  0,  1, null], 
                                [X1, Y2, 90,  1, null], 
                                [X2, Y2, 90,  1, null], 
                                [X1, Y3,  0,  1, null]
                        }, {'weight' : 1, 'lines' : [
                                [X1, Y1,  0,  1, null], 
                                [X1, Y1,  0,  1, fnRotateClockwise], 
                                [X1, Y1, 90,  1, fnShrinkLeft], 
                                [X2, Y1, 90,  1, null], 
                                [X1, Y2,  0,  1, fnShrinkLeft], 
                                [X1, Y2, 90,  1, null], 
                                [X2, Y2, 90,  1, null], 
                                [X2, Y2, 90,  1, fnRotateClockwise], 
                                [X1, Y3,  0,  1, null]
                '9' : [
                        {'weight' : 1, 'lines' : [
                                [X1, Y1,  0,  1, null], 
                                [X1, Y1, 90,  1, null], 
                                [X2, Y1, 90,  1, null], 
                                [X1, Y2,  0,  1, null], 
                                [X1, Y2, 90,  1, fnMoveRight], 
                                [X2, Y2, 90,  1, null], 
                                [X1, Y3,  0,  1, null]
                        }, {'weight' : 1, 'lines' : [
                                [X1, Y1,  0,  1, null], 
                                [X1, Y1, 90,  1, null], 
                                [X2, Y1, 90,  1, null], 
                                [X1, Y2,  0,  1, null], 
                                [X1, Y2, 90,  1, fnRotateAntiClockwise], 
                                [X2, Y2, 90,  1, null], 
                                [X1, Y3,  0,  1, null]
            '9' : {
                '9' : [
                        {'weight' : 18, 'lines' : [
                                [X1, Y1,  0,  1, null], 
                                [X1, Y1, 90,  1, null], 
                                [X2, Y1, 90,  1, null], 
                                [X1, Y2,  0,  1, null], 
                                [X2, Y2, 90,  1, null], 
                                [X1, Y3,  0,  1, null]
                        }, {'weight' : 1, 'lines' : [
                                [X1, Y1,  0,  1, null], 
                                [X1, Y1, 90,  1, null], 
                                [X2, Y2,270,  1, fnRotateAntiClockwise], 
                                [X2, Y2,270,  0, fnGrowRight],
                                [X2, Y2,180,  1, fnRotateAntiClockwise], 
                                [X2, Y2, 90,  1, fnShrinkLeft], 
                                [X1, Y3,  0,  1, null]
                        }, {'weight' : 1, 'lines' : [
                                [X1, Y1,  0,  1, fnShrinkLeft], 
                                [X1, Y1, 90,  1, fnShrinkLeft], 
                                [X2, Y1, 90,  1, null], 
                                [X2, Y1, 90,  1, fnRotateClockwise], 
                                [X1, Y2,  0,  1, null], 
                                [X1, Y2,  0,  1, fnRotateAntiClockwise],
                                [X1, Y2,  0,  1, null],
                                [X2, Y2, 90,  1, null], 
                                [X1, Y3,  0,  1, null]
                '0' : [
                        {'weight' : 1, 'lines' : [
                                [X1, Y1,  0,  1, null], 
                                [X1, Y1, 90,  1, null], 
                                [X2, Y1, 90,  1, null], 
                                [X1, Y2,  0,  1, fnRotateClockwise], 
                                [X2, Y2, 90,  1, null], 
                                [X1, Y3,  0,  1, null]