Du siehst gerade eine vereinfachte Darstellung unserer Inhalte. Normale Ansicht mit richtiger Formatierung.
    Beim Herunterscrollen wird der Text nicht eingeblendet. Ich habe alle Dateien von jQuery und das Plugin "inview" richtig eingebunden!


                                    <!DOCTYPE html>
    <html lang="de">
    	<meta charset="utf-8">
    	<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
    		<title>jQuery AppLikeOnePage.js Plugin Demo</title>
    		<script src="/js_webseite/jquery.js"></script>
    		<script src="/js_webseite/jquery.onepage-scroll.min.js"></script>
    					frame: "#view",
    					container: "#frame",
    					sections: ".op-section",
    					radio: "#radio",
    					radioOn: "#radioOn",
    					speed: 500,
    					easing: "swing"
    	* {
    	  margin: 0;
    	  padding: 0;
    	/* set overflow-y property to prevent scroll bar mess up the whole layout */
    	body {
    	  margin: 0;
    	  padding: 0;
    	  overflow-y: hidden;
    	  color: #fff;
    	li { list-style-type: none; }
    	/* styled just for clear visual division of each areas */
    	.op-section { background-color: #00a; }
    	.second { background-color: #55a; }
    	.third { background-color: #99a; }
    	.fourth { background-color: #ded6a4; }
    	.fifth { background-color: #ffcf8a; }
    	.last { background-color: #779f57; }
    	#radioWrap {
    	  width: 20px;
    	  height: 180px;
    	  position: absolute;
    	  right: 5%;
    	  top: 50%;
    	  margin-top: -90px;  
    	#radio {
    	  width: 100%;
    	  height: 100%;
    	  overflow: hidden;
    	#radio li {
    	  width: 20px;
    	  height: 20px;
    	  background-color: rgba(255,255,255, 0.5);
    	  text-indent: -10000px;
    	  border-radius: 50%;
    	  margin-top: 12px;
    	  cursor: pointer;
    	#radio li:first-child { margin-top: 0; }
    	/* set position to absolute(essential).use margin to adjust gaps between LIs because 	                                               	ApplikeOnePage.js uses .outerHeight(true) method to measure the interval gap to which each radio 	buttons are placed. */
    	#radioOn {
    	  width: 20px;
    	  height: 20px;
    	  margin-bottom: 12px;
    	  position: absolute;
    	  top: 0;
    	  left: 0;
    	  background-color: #fff;
    	  border-radius: 50%;
    	/* Navigation */
    	header {
    	  background: #c1c1c1;
    	a {
    	  text-decoration: none;
    	  color: #202020;
    	  font-weight: 100;
    	  font-family: sans-serif, Helvetica;
    	.liste {
    	  list-style: none;
    	  margin-right: 0.6em;
    	  padding: 1em 0;
    	.liste:nth-child(5) {
    	  margin-right: 3em;
    	.nav {
    	  display: flex;
    	  justify-content: flex-end;
      border:2px solid red;
    				<ul class="nav">
    					<li class="liste"><a href="#">willkommen</a></li>
    					<li class="liste"><a href="#">ausstellung</a></li>
    					<li class="liste"><a href="#">porträt</a></li>
    					<li class="liste"><a href="#">kontakt</a></li>
    					<li class="liste"><a href="#">impressum</a></li>
    		<div id="view">
    	      <div id="frame">
    		    <div class="op-section second">section1</div>
    		    <div class="op-section third">section2</div>
    		    <div class="op-section fourth">section3</div>
    		    <div class="op-section fifth">section4</div>
    		    <div class="op-section last">section5</div>
    		    <div class="op-section last">section6</div>
    		<div id="radioWrap">
    		    <ul id="radio">
    	      <span id="radioOn"></span>
            function startOnePage(myInput){
    'use strict';
    var settings = myInput;
    // input values
    var frame = $(settings.frame),
    container = $(settings.container),
    sections = $(settings.sections),
      nav = $(settings.nav),  
    speed = settings.speed || 500,
    radio = $(,
    radioOn = $(settings.radioOn),
    easing = settings.easing || "swing";
    var didScroll = true,
    isFocused = true;
    // common variables
    var height = $(window).height();
    // Index values for sections elements
    var totalSections = sections.length - 1;
    // currently displayed section number
    // modifying this variable will cause buggy behaviors.
    var num = 0; 
    // keyboard input values
    // add more if necessary
    var pressedKey = {};
    pressedKey[36] = "top"; // home
    pressedKey[38] = "up"; // upward arrow
    pressedKey[40] = "down"; // downward arrow
    pressedKey[33] = "up"; // page up
    pressedKey[34] = "down"; // page down
    pressedKey[35] = "bottom"; // end
    // init function to initialize/reassign values of the variables
    // to prevent section misplacement caused by a window resize.
    function init(){
    height = $(window).height();
    frame.css({"overflow":"hidden", "height": height + "px"});
    sections.css({"height": height + "px"});
    didScroll = true;
    isFocused = true;
    end = - height * ( totalSections );
    container.stop().animate({marginTop : 0}, 0, easing, function(){
    num = 0;
    didScroll = true;
    turnOnRadio(0, 0);
    // event binding to init function
    $(window).bind("load resize", init);
    // animate scrolling effect
    var now, end;
    function animateScr(moveTo, duration, distance){
    var top;
    duration = duration || speed;
    case "down":
    top = "-=" + ( height * distance ) + "px";
    num += distance;
    case "up":
    top = "+=" + ( height * distance ) + "px";
    num -= distance;
    case "bottom":
    top = end;
    num = totalSections;
    case "top":
    top = 0;
    num = 0;
    default: console.log("(error) wrong argument passed"); return false;
    container.not(":animated").animate({marginTop : top}, duration, easing, function(){
    didScroll = true;
    if(radio){turnOnRadio(num, speed);}
    // show active radio button
    function turnOnRadio(index, duration){
    duration = duration || speed;
    radioOn.stop().animate({"top": index * radioOn.outerHeight( true )+ "px"}, speed, easing);
    radio.children("li:not(" + settings.radioOn + ")").click(function(){
    var to = $(this).index();
    var dif = Math.abs( num - to );
    if(num < to){
    animateScr("down", speed, dif);
    }else if(num > to){
    animateScr("up", speed, dif);
    nav.children("li:not(" + settings.radioOn + ")").click(function(){
    var to = $(this).index();
    var dif = Math.abs( num - to );
    if(num < to){
    animateScr("down", speed, dif);
    }else if(num > to){
    animateScr("up", speed, dif);
    var wasist=$(this).hasClass('markiert');
    1. get a type of event and handle accordingly
    2. enable/disable default keyboard behavior
    $(document).bind("DOMMouseScroll mousewheel keydown", function(e){
    var eType = e.type;
    now = parseInt( container.css("marginTop") );
    end = - height * ( totalSections );
    // handles the event
    if( didScroll && isFocused ){
    // prevent multiple event handling
    didScroll = false;
    // on wheel
    if( eType == "DOMMouseScroll" || eType == "mousewheel" ){
    var mvmt = e.originalEvent.wheelDelta;
    if(!mvmt){ mvmt = -e.originalEvent.detail; }
    // 휠로 스크롤을 올렸을때
    if(mvmt > 0){
    //만약 첫번째 영역이라면
    if( now == 0){
    didScroll = true;
    animateScr("up", 500, 1);
    }else if(mvmt < 0){
    //만약 마지막 영역이라면
    if( now == end ){
    didScroll = true;
    animateScr("down", 500, 1);
    didScroll = true; 
    // on keydown
    else if( eType == "keydown" ){
    // 위아래로 움직이는 키를 눌렀을 때 발동
    if( pressedKey[e.which] ){
    if( pressedKey[e.which] == "up" ){
    // 만약 첫번째 영역이라면
    if( now == 0 ){
    animateScr("up", speed, 1);
    }else if( pressedKey[e.which] == "down" ){
    //만약 마지막 영역이라면 첫번째 화면으로 가기
    if( now == end ){
    animateScr("down", speed, 1);
    // page down 또는 page up일 때
    animateScr( pressedKey[e.which] );
    didScroll = true;
    // enable default keyboard behavior when an input or textarea is being focused
    $("input, textarea").focus(function(){isFocused = false;})
    .blur(function(){isFocused = true;});